May 14Liked by Jasmine

I love how vulnerable you are in this post! I relate to it so much. I completely freeze when there are so many expectations. Who sets these expectations? Me. BRB gotta take a look at myself in the mirror

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😂 frrr

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You captured perfectly everything I feel about writing, especially in the second last paragraph. I love writing, but it’s hard to put yourself out there and not compare. I hope you keep going - I loved this piece!

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Aw thank you Maria! Appreciate it 🥰

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This resonated with me SO. MUCH. This platform is so incredible yet so intimidating. I've also been stuck in that dreaded feedback loop of self-doubt & deleting drafts & rewriting sentences a hundred times just to still not publish the damn thing.

I also suffer from the self-proclaimed character flaw of being hungry for external validation (and I happen to have a draft about that right now, funnily enough). I think writing (since it's such a solitary act) comes with a lot of self-doubt by nature. External validation helps to make it not feel like a waste of time (which it never is, but nevertheless). It's a tricky mountain to scale.

Anyway, I love this piece and your writing style! Wishing you luck on breaking back into the Substack space :)

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this as well. It is so hard. And hitting the nail on the head regarding the validation making it not feel like a waste of time. I know that it’s not the validation you should be writing for but honestly, it is a crucial part for me to keep going. At least with publishing it. I am really trying to forget about it and pretend it’s just for me and enjoy that 😅 anyway, thanks again! ❤️

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Apr 26Liked by Jasmine

I LOVE your writing style 4EVERRRR

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Apr 25Liked by Jasmine


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