May 23Liked by Jasmine

A beautiful look into your mind and the mundane.

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Thank you bobby lee 🤍

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loved reading this. felt like you stepped inside my brain!

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🥰love that!

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amazing 🤍

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Thanks 💕

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And this is why I love Substack. I just happened to come across your newsletter and this being my first read of yours makes me so happy - raw honesty. We need more of it on the internet ❤️

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Thank you! 🤍 glad you liked it 😊

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"i no longer want to care if i am considered cringe. i want to be free from fearing you - an anonymous person behind a screen. to recoil in distaste is the definition of cringe. if you are recoiling in distaste, i apologize but i no longer want to care about you. you only exist in my head."

Thank you for being brave and posting your experience despite the fear of potential cringe : ) I'm glad we have this corner of the internet to share part of our authentic selves

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I get it girl

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May 23Liked by Jasmine

It takes a true skill to write about the mundane and make it extraordinary. You did exactly that. I love it ❤️ this (not so) anonymous person behind the screen can’t wait to read your next piece.

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Thank you so much! 🥹🤍

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